Brinkley is 5 Months Old!!
Last week dad came down and drove Brinkley and I back to North Carolina to spend some quality time with the family! She has grown so much since Thanksgiving when my Aunts and Uncles saw her last! I also got to spend the weekend with my sweet sister, some of her friends and my two luvs Audra and Megan in Blowing Rock! The snow had melted but we had such a fun time shopping, playing JUST DANCE on the Wii(which I still have a bruise from lol) and going out! It's always nice to get "home" for a few days!

Ike was definitely glad to get us back home! Its the longest we have ever been apart and the longest he has gone without her! He was able to spend the weekend with his cousin Butchie fishing, so it couldn't have been too hard on him!
Brinkley surprises me day by day! She is doing great with the solid foods, smiling and laughing and trying to sit up! I look over all the time and she has her head lifted off the floor and her legs....working on her abs!!! She has learned to eat her feet and when they are not available she sucks her thumb! Her hair is growing and sticking straight's not yet long enough to fall so it looks a lot like her Poppie's! I really didn't think I could love her anymore but each day the little things she does makes me realize I can! I told Ike I can't believe that LATER down the road there will be more little ones that I will feel the exact same way about! A lot to look forward to but enjoying every minute with her!