Well the past three weeks has been quite the trial and error of my life! I am learning how to become a mother, a doctor, a lactation consultant, everything haha! Whatever I am doing(NOT saying its right) is working for her. Brinkley is sleeping from about 11pm to 8am every night for the past two weeks...I don't know how we got so lucky! She's on a routine that eats at 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm, bath time at 10pm and then last feeding around 10:30pm! She's definitely a miracle child for mom and dad! We have had two doctors appointments and she is finally on the upward climb with her weight! All babies lose weight when they are born but she was down to 6lbs 14 oz! As of today Brinks was 7lbs 10oz...so we were thrilled! She has recently learned how to fully use her lungs lol, starting to focus on objects and beginning to develop her tear ducts! I love her, I love staring at her, watching her sleep, sneeze, everything...it's all adorable! Ike and I are really enjoying the newborn stage and watching how fast she changes her looks, motions and needs! This is everything we thought it would be!

As for updates on other things...I am feeling great and have been since we got home from the hospital! Ike is back to work but eager to get home to her daily! My mother left Sunday and we appreciated her stay so much! We are still waiting on Brinkley's cousin Coleson to arrive with hopes its only a few days out! Kelsey is walking a ton but I think he's pretty content where he is! He might be a due date baby or after! Halloween??...haha! Another couple friend has recently found out they are expecting in late April...Congrats to Helen and John! Another little one to join the crew!

Until next time....Go Gamecocks!!!
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