Happy 6 Months Brinks!
Brinkley was scheduled for her 6 Month Check up on the 23rd of March but because of a continuous cough and wheezing we went in this past Wednesday! She weighed 17.4 lbs(80%) and was 27 inches(90%) long! Dr. Ryan said she was progressing well and loved how busy she is! We talked a lot about the next few months being quiet the transition stage to sitting up, crawling and eating foods with more consistency! Her thoughts were that she'll move more and talk less haha! She said most go-getters are like that! Oh boy I am going to have my hands full! I know I probably repeat myself but when you have kids your time just flies. I mean 6 Months has already passed and I feel like I was in the hospital just yesterday! She brings such joy to both Ike and I and we are so blessed!
6 Month Shots
On another note her wheezing in her chest didn't sound great so she gave us an at home nebulizer to put medication into her lungs and clear things up. The first two days didn't go to well. She was terrified of the machine and the misting. Plus 10 minutes without her hands or feet in her mouth is unheard of right now. I started experimenting to help fix her fear by turning it on and then walking her into the room, as well as, turning on Barney during it! It's really helped and she has done really well ever since. She's starting to get used to it but it's still pitiful for me to watch. Hopefully within a week she's all better!
First Nebulizer Treatment :(

Getting used to it!! :)
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